Monday, December 30, 2013

When We Went and Cut Down a Christmas Tree

Haha!  Mama is wondering at his choice in trees.

And Aria hangs out with Toppa (her word for Grandpa).

He's learned to handle the saw carefully... this is his third year helping to cut the tree.  He's quite experienced now. [grin]

I think they found the one.

See, Aria, we do it just like this.  Maybe you can help with the saw next year...

Kisses for Rah.

He and daddy busy at work.

This is a thick trunk - it took a lot of muscle.

No wonder it has a big trunk... look at the size of it!.  The entire DiOrio family are down in that tall straw.  Haha!

Mommy even helped.

The tree farm is a lovely place.

Got it!  Now, let's just level that bottom.

She loved inspecting and smelling that scrap of wood.  I still have it.  Oh, the things a gramma will save.

With the tree selected and cut, we moved on to other fun stuff!

What a darling little Rudolph!

This little mittened-finger is pointing at something interesting.

Sitting in Santa's sleigh.

Oh, and there's Santa!

Kingston believed that a chat with Santa was appropriate, but that sitting in his lap wasn't necessary.

So Santa offered to participate in a photo op with his sleigh.  He's kind.

Steering the reindeer.

Thanks, Santa.  Merry Christmas.

Last stop, the fire wagon.

Delighted to get to ring that bell.  What a handsome boy. 

Just a pretty (and half icy) waterfall from a mountain spring that we enjoy from the main road.

Getting the Christmas tree is always such a fun adventure.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh Pammie, these were priceless photos! Thank you so much for sharing via FB! XO