Friday, October 28, 2011

Busy...Fun Day!

The snow we thought we'd have yesterday morning arrived later in the day.

It snowed throughout the evening and into the night...

...and this is what we woke up to this morning.

 This was about 8 AM.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have this thermometer.  It's such a little thing - but it hung outside my parents' window in Florida for a couple of decades.  I'll bet the needle has never been this far left... and I'll bet it'll never go as far right as it's been when mounted outside my childhood home.  To make the having-this-thermometer-warm-fuzzy warmer, I learned recently it was a gift to mom and dad from Erkki-seta when he came to visit from Finland.  {{sigh}}

This is the scene out the upstairs window toward Mt. Ascutney.  Very early before the sky turned it's brilliant blue.

And the trees on the hill behind the house.

Then!  Just minutes later, the sky did this...  so beautifully blue this morning!

I'm not sure what these are... some sort of berry or mini crab apple. They're on the tree out front.

Since it's only late October, the porch is still decorated for fall.  I think it may be time to pack up the poor scarecrow... and I think the mums may be done for the season!

Heading out to Nic and Kristiina's to pick up Kingston, this is the view of the neighborhood looking back up our road.  Such a breathtaking sight!

This is our neighbors' place... where Murphy lives (gorgeous yellow lab).

A little further down that road...  There's just something about snow-laden branches... and they're even better when you put them on a creek bank!

Home again!  Spent the whole day with this precious pun'kin.  He's busy typing on Gramma's computer, looking for music.

Then he talked on the phone with Mommy for a while.

A long while.  He loves talking on the phone with his Mommy.

He paces while he talks... and here he's climbing on the hassock - without missing a beat in his conversation.What a doll!

Then it was nap time.  We went upstairs to read a book or two (several time through), laid in the bed with a super soft blankie, and before Gramma could finish singing the first verse of Amazing Grace, our Little Man was fast asleep. Mommy says that Amazing Grace is his favorite.

Today was awesome.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Awesome indeed!!! The snow photos are certainly breathtaking - from a distance -!!

What a BIG boy our Kingston is! He is growing so fast, not just physically but emotionally as well. So smart.

Love you all!