Thursday, September 27, 2012

From Behind

Just a couple of pics of my sweet darlings...

Here is Aria playing with her friend, Fiona, at MOPS last Friday.  There are some really awesome toys they're discovering in that bin!

Oh. Hi, beautiful Fiona.  She just turned one on Sunday.  Don't you just love her little Pebbles hair-doo?  She's had LONG hair from the time she was born.

This precious boy was talking to his dad through the window while he worked on the motorcycle in the driveway.

That's all.

Just those two sweet things living life while Grandma watches.

The fullness of my heart - you can't imagine, nor can I adequately describe it.

They're joy immeasurable!

Okay... of the dozen videos I took this weekend, here's just one of each!

First, Kingson having a chat with grandma about her formerly noisy car...

And then, take a peek at this happy baby girl just up from her nap!

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