Friday, August 31, 2012


It's inevitable, and it's everywhere.  Nothing stays the same.

Most obviously you see change in nature.  In my neck of the woods - northern New England - we're already seeing the ushering out of summer and and the soon-to-be-very-grand entrance of autumn.  Leaves are changing and it's still August!

(This was taken last week - it's my office building!)

Sometimes change is less obvious... perhaps less welcome.  Life happens and we're not always pleased with path on which we're led, so we pray for grace; mercy, perhaps.

My earnest prayer of late is for Him to change me.  Mold me.  Create in me the person He has purposed.

And there you have first ever FiveMinuteFriday post... I may have gone over by a minute, two?
Practice makes perfect. There's always next week.
 Seems I'm a little scant on words. May I insert a picture after the 5 minutes of writing is up,
or does the entire post need to be completed in 5 minutes?


How about giving it a shot?  The prompt this week is change.  Go ahead, see what you can say about it in 5 minutes.  It's kinda fun!

Five Minute Friday  Follow this link to see how you can participate.

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