Thursday, July 12, 2012

Just a Week Late

for a July 4th post!

Joe and I went and picked up our precious munchkins and brought them back to our little Brownsville village for a parade.  We really like the intimacy of this community.  We ran into neighbors and acquaintances and offered our sincere, "good to see you... how have you been?" "what are your plans for the evening?"  "let us introduce you to our grandchildren." (that was our favorite part).

Waiting for the parade to start, Kingston is "fixing" the tires on his wagon.

Then he let his sister hold the hammer. "Look gramma! I have Kingston's hammer!"

And Kingston climbed up on grampa's shoulders.

She loved this hammer.

She had it swinging all over the place.

Ah... parade time!  Sitting together in the wagon.  She couldn't get enough of her brother...

...and kept holding/touching his shoulder. Sweet.

Oooo, some things at parades can be stunning!

I wonder if her reaction was for these folks ...maybe it was their bright red float... or the fact that they were playing their loud music passing right by her wagon!

So many interesting things at a parade, "and I'm gonna hold tight to my brother."

Their love is always reciprocated.

Our constable is retiring after 25+ years of service to Brownsville.  There were a few little floats and lots of big cheers in his honor.  Neither of those men are Constable Johnson.  He led the parade in is air conditioned vehicle.  The announcer was singing his praises and giving kudos left and right... the constable never heard a word, but he was nice and cool in that closed up car!
That blue sign says, "Thanks for the ride, Irene." referring to Bowers Bridge that is supposed to reside on one of the four corners in my neighborhood,
but Irene sent it sailing last year and it landed in my neighbors yard.  They're still fixing it...almost done!

The folks and the furries at Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society particpated. They're an awesome organization.

Clowns came by and passed out flags... some kids find clowns kinda scary.  Our two didn't.

As always, one must see how it tastes.

There were nice men meandering among the crowd passing out cold watermelon - it was a hot day, we were thankful for it!

Big brother shared some melon with his little sister and she loved it!  But gramma had to put an end to her delight because mama hasn't introduced fruits yet, they're still working through veggies.  So, much dismayed that she couldn't keep sucking on sweet melon juice, it quickly became lunch time. (By the way... the dismay wasn't in the form of tears - instead, she thumped her hands on her thighs and huffed! A rather cute, mild form of displeasure.)

While brother landed back up on shoulders to watch fire trucks pass by...

...little one watched from this vantage point.

After the parade, we walked over to the church yard to have picnic.

And "go to work." (By the way, at two and a half, he can already bench-press 65 pounds. 
I'm kidding!  But, holy cow, would you look at the physique on that little man?!)

"Be right back... you stay there."

Then... gramma and Kingston took a walk over to the playground at the elementary school...

When we realized it was way too hot at the playground, we walked back over to the church yard...

...where grampa and and his favorite baby girl were still enjoying the picnic and the shade.

That was a very fun afternoon... and this sleepy girl has the hammer back!  {grin}

That evening, back at Nic and Kristiina's, little miss enjoyed her frozen carrots while we enjoyed our grilled burgers (and the company of Jess and Lee, up from PA).

And then we went out in the yard to light sparklers!

Oooo, you can make trails with them!

Sparklers were a hit with this little dude.

Another fun one!
Happy Independence Day.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh, that was great fun!! What a wonderful day with the little ones! Love Kingston's personality! Aria just begs for hugs and kisses. What a precious princess! Ahh, next week, and I'll be actually acting out what I've only been dreaming about for months. Here I come, Kingston and Aria!!!