Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Little Miss Aria

Our beautiful baby girl turned 3 months old on Sunday!

Where does the time go?  She's a busy little thing.  Alert and engaged and eager to be a part of the activity.

She likes to be upright, so even though she's still working on strengthening her core muscles, she's already utilizing this garden seat... You just have tuck a blanket around her middle to keep her centered, and she's happy as a lark in it. 

Joe and I went over there late afternoon on Sunday so the kids could get out for a bit and celebrate an early Valentine's.

"Look at Gramma, Aria." (as he's fixed on his finger-???)

Aria also greatly enjoys standing up, with Mommy's help, of course.  Kristiina said she has a period in the evening where she actually gets a bit miffed if you don't let her stand, squat...stand, squat...stand, squat.  This goes on for several minutes.  Kristiina can easily identify when it's "exercise time" and Aria is faithful to do it daily! 

Maybe we'll get pictures of that next time...

Happy Three Months, Little One!!

(consider pausing the blog music... right side)

...and Happy Valentine's Day...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Miss Aria is so, so precious!! I think she'll be just as expressive as her big brother. So alert! Thank you for sharing our Little Miss.