
Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Last Time I Saw Louie

was in Florida, April 2014.

He came over for a family gathering…

Louie loves the kids (my grandkids) and always enjoys quality, focused time with them.  They think he's pretty awesome, too.

Louie loves food and cooking (and is good at it), and is always inclined to hang out in the kitchen; whether to learn something new, to share a tid-bit of his own, to help out, or just to keep company.

Louie is a fun-loving kid at heart.  When Kingston wanted him to try out his bike, he was happy to oblige.

Louie is part of the family and is always happy to hang out even when it's just to gather 'round for Kingston's hair cut.

Louie freely offers his encouragement.

Louie has a heart for dogs (all animals) and offered tender care when Scabby-Scout* showed up at the DiOrios' unexpectedly (he was a stray, but now is a permanent resident).  *Louie dubbed him Scabby because he came with some skin issues.  While appropriate at the time, Scabby is not terribly endearing, so the family is now calling him Scout.

Louie continues to offer a steady, calming hand to Scabby-Scout and affirms Kingston's nurturing.

That was a great day.

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Today, we're reeling with the news that this precious friend of our family passed away last night from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.

Our only comfort is knowing that Louie had an authentic belief and relationship with his savior, Jesus Christ, so we're confident in where he resides today.  Nevertheless, we're having a hard time reconciling God's timing.  We know what we believe; Psalm 139… and "all the days ordained and written in the book before one comes to be" … and God's plan being perfect.  We'll come back around to that, but today it's so hard to apply because it hits so personally and pertains to such a full-of-life young man.

My daughter took this shot of Louie a couple of years ago.  She said that he had just passed all of
his tests to be a hang gliding instructor.  He was so proud of himself.  It was a very happy day.

Here's another one of her shots of Louie, capturing him loving life.
They always had a good time together, and on this day were hiking in Vermont.
Its this beaming, slightly mischievous, expression that I'll remember always.

Louie has been a dear friend of my daughter's since high school, became a very close friend of my son-in-law during their dating days, and has been treasured in the hearts of my grandchildren all of their young lives.

He was a kind, loving, enthusiastic, fun-spirited man and our lives were enriched for having had him be an integral part.  His imprint will remain forever and we'll miss him beyond measure.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28


  1. That is so perfect. And the tears are flowing again. My dear friend/brother.

  2. That is an awesome tribute. And my eyes swell with tears again, this time joyfully, knowing that Louie has a personal relationship with his lord and savior.

  3. Pam, Thank you for sharing part of Louie's life. What a wonderful friend Louie was. I am thankful that you shared his faith in Jesus Christ. You have done a wonderful tribute to his life, and I am deeply grateful to have stumbled on your blog....looking for jewelweed salve! Thanks again.

  4. What a lovely tribute. I didn't know Louie, I just happened upon this site while (also) exploring what to do with all the jewelweed growing out back. But I feel like I know a little of his sweet spirit now through your blog and although I do not hold the same beliefs as far as an afterlife, I believe his goodness will change form and will carry on somehow and will also live on in all he touched. So sorry for your loss. ~ Victoria in Ohio


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