
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Taking a Country Drive

Well... I had to work late last night, so what should be an Easter post of adorable grandkids looking for Easter eggs and baskets, is instead just a quick photo tour of some pretty country scenery.

The Easter post will come later this week (Friday?).

So... here are a handful of pretty country pics from the drive we took this weekend...

I think it's been a while since this rusty bike has had a rider.

A winter wreath... though, it's spring.

Ah, those darling single sap buckets that I love so much.

This is the view from Slick and Willy's farm (those beautiful black horses... and Kingford, the blond).

They have an amazing sugar house.   This one is elite... many are just little shacks, and the majority fall somewhere in between.

Slick, Willy and Kingford's meadow.  They share it with cows.  If you look closely, you can see a black speck (of a cow), or two.

Oh, now we've meandered to Tunbridge.

Stopped at the general store and decided to get a pizza.

Waiting on the porch while our pizza bakes.  See the sign for ice cream?  It's not quite 50 degrees... but it's spring, so... time for ice cream!!!!

Did you enjoy this Vermont country meandering? 

Will post the Easter fun soon...


  1. Yes, most definitely a "country" ride! I'm so glad that God placed you in just the element that makes you happiest! Luv-u!

  2. What beautiful photographs! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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