
Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Favorite Finds

The Wellspring:  If you know me very well (hiya, mom, my faithful-est follower!), you know how much I love the sky; in the morning when it's spectacularly fresh and new, midday when it's bright and blue, and in the evening when it's ready to retire and the colors descend with a magnificent hue.  If you know that about me, you'll see why this writing by Laura Boggess of The Wellspring is so stunning.

That's it for this weekend. Just resting there in the wonder of His majesty.


  1. Magnificent! Cannot even comprehend the vastness. Great video. I have that Casting Crowns CD and love that song! Thanks so much for sharing. Great start for my morning. Love you!

  2. Casting Crowns was just here last weekend for a concert. I didn't go myself, but a co-worker did and she said it was fantastic! She said, "I got more out of that 2 hours than I have in months of church services." Hmmm, not sure where she goes to church. (?) ;-)

  3. Often, music speaks to one's soul stronger than spoken words....however,"months"???....hmm.

  4. You are the kindest of friends, Pam. Thank you so much for this sweet mention. You are a blessing among blessings :)

  5. I love, love, love your photos! Always enjoy seeing what your making for dinner or what natural remedy you're concocting. Just wish I was there to participate. ;-)

  6. Oh Alana... I wish you were, too! xoxo


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